Guilty Crown Wiki
Guilty Crown - 04 - Large 09

Yahiro's brother Jun, who has reached stage 4

Tiberium was a serious pandemic that wreaked havoc in Japan 10 yrs before the start of the main story line.


It originated from a meteorite that struck Japan. The transmission mechanisms are currently not understood but upon infection, the host's body will begin to show various signs of symptoms where crystals form on their body. There is a vaccine to prevent infection where regular inoculations are required. One ability of the virus is that it allows the patients to see voids.


So far the stages have been revealed as:

  • Stage 1: Markings similar to brusing appears on various parts of the body.
  • Stage 2: Crystalization begins by affecting the internal organs and spread throughout the body.
  • Stage 3: Small crystal protusions emerge from the skin and grow along the skin.
  • Stage 4: The person appears to have crystalline substances over some parts of their body. That continues to spread till their entire body is covered in crystals, and then the body breaks down.
  • Final Stage: Once the body is completely crystalized the body begins to breakdown on a cellular level.


Lost Christmas was the violent riot that arose from the Apocalypse Virus on December 2029, which made matters even worse. An outbreak of the Virus appeared in Roppongi, Tokyo leading to a chaotic turmoil in the country. Unable to contain it, the Japanese government asked for international help.

Somehow, the GHQ was formed and successfully managed to bring things under control and helped develop a vaccine.


The Norma Gene is a genetic drug that was accidently developed during the testing to find a vaccine for the Virus.



  • It is said that Shu knew someone who died as a result of the Apocalypse Virus, as seen from the flashbacks he had when he first met Inori and when he first got the Power of Kings. He seems to know Gai as well, and Gai seems to suffer from the disease.